This is not your typical blog.
You see, I had been working on this blog on and off for a couple of years but I was never quite satisfied, so I’d put it aside and come back months later, having gotten nowhere new.
It wasn’t until the start of 2021, while playing around on the internet, looking for inspiration and not finding what I wanted, that I realised what had been missing: all of it.
I wanted a real, honest blog that didn’t just share recipes or talk about the pressures of being a mom. I wanted a blog that didn’t sell me on the beautiful splendour of the Seychelles, knowing full well that, unless someone also sent me on an all-expenses-paid trip there to ensure I write a blog post about it, I would not, in fact, be able to experience the beautiful splendour of the Seychelles. Because it’s fucking expensive for a South African to go there and most of us can’t afford to.
I wanted a blog where the author isn’t afraid of swearing for fear that nobody would advertise and they wouldn’t be able to monetise their blog and reach their dream of becoming a local blogosphere celebrity. I wanted a blog that didn’t make me cringe because there are seven typos and four grammatical errors per paragraph. That’s harder to find than you might think, by the way.
I wanted a blog that I could relate to, that didn’t make me feel like shit because I don’t go to some fancy hotel every other weekend, or indulge in spa days, or eat only healthy foods every day. I wanted a blog that spoke to me, my experiences and my reality.
I couldn’t find a blog like that.
So I created this one.